Controller Management

On clicking the Controller Management option from the drop-down of Admin, you get the page as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Controller Management

You have the following fields in Controller Management:

  • Appliance Name- Shows the appliance name which is configured.
  • Controller Name- The name of the controller. If you click the controller name, a page opens on the side which shows the details like Service End Point Ports and Recorded Ports.
  • Controller URL- Shows the URL of the controller.
  • Service End Point IP- The endpoint IP of a service
  • Delete- Option is used to delete the selected controller.
  • Rename- It is used to rename a controller.
  • Toggle: Toggle option is used to reduce/increase the number of columns as per the requirement of the user.
  • Column Filter: Used to add the description of the specific columns shown.

Add New Controller                                                      

To add a new controller, you have the following configuration:

  • Controller Configuration
  • Record Port Range

Let us discuss them in detail.

Controller Configuration

You have the following fields in Controller Configuration as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Controller Configuration

Let us discuss them in detail:

  • Controller Name: Shows the name of the controller.
  • Controller Type: – Defines the type of controller.
  • Appliance Name: – Used to identify the name of the appliance in the controller.
  • Controller IP: – The IP of the controller.
  • Controller Port HTTP: – The HTTP port for the controller.
  • HTTPS: – The port on which the tomcat runs.
  • Service end Point IP: – It is the endpoint IP of a service.

Record Port Range

You have the following fields in Record Port Range:

Figure 10: Record Port Range

Let us discuss these fields.

  • Start- The start time for recording a port.
  • End- End time for recording a port.